Ca Mau Cape Mangrove National Park

Ca Mau Cape (Mui Ca Mau) National Park is an UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, National Park, is home to the Ca Mau Peninsula's largest remaining tract of mangrove forests and intertidal mudflats, as well as the Indochina Mangroves biogeographic region.


Area scale and functional subdivision of Ca Mau Cape National Park:

Ca Mau Cape National Park has a total natural area of 41,862 ha, of which 15,262 ha are land, 26,600 ha are coastal, and 8,194 ha are buffer zone. divided into functional subdivisions.

- Strictly protected zone: area of 12,203 ha
- Ecological restoration subdivision: area of 2,859 ha
- Administrative service subdivision: an area of 200 hectares
- Functional subdivision on the sea: an area of 26,600 ha


Geography, soil of Ca Mau Cape National Park:

Cape Ca Mau is a place at the southernmost tip of Vietnam that has been recognized as an important place in the directory of wetlands of Southeast Asian countries and many documents on nature conservation and environmental protection. school of the world.

Mui Ca Mau National Park has unique natural geographical features, being the only place in Vietnam that is adjacent to both the West Sea (Gulf of Thailand) and the East Sea and is influenced by two tidal regimes, creating a unique estuarine and coastal ecological region in Vietnam with typical ecosystems such as: primary forest succession system on alluvial soil; marine ecosystem; the typical ecosystem changes from mangroves to seasonal freshwater Melaleuca forests

Mangroves provide nutrition and the first product of the coastal food chain, provide a source of plant and animal breeding grounds for wildlife and migratory birds, provide wood products, fishing gear and aquaculture, and coastal protection to support the development of coastal areas.


Biodiversity of Ca Mau Cape National Park:

Although the flora and fauna of the forest in Mui Ca Mau National Park are not diverse in species, the special geographical position and unique characteristics of forests and fauna have created a true scientific and ecological value for the park. Facts: Plants have 60 species of higher plants, including 27/32 species of mangroves. Animals have 26 species of mammals, 101 species of birds, and 43 species of reptiles. 9 species of amphibians, 139 species of fish, 53 species of crustaceans, 89 species of large invertebrates, 24 species of shrimp...


Environment-ecological landscape of Ca Mau Cape National Park:

Forests in Cape Ca Mau National Park are vitally important for the regulation of geomorphology and dynamics as well as coastal protection. Mangrove forests along the coast and riverbanks have had significant effects in terms of protection, wind resistance, erosion control, improvement of climatic factors, temperature fluctuations, rain regulation, and rainfall reduction.On the other hand, the forest belt has the effect of reducing light intensity, temperature, and humidity.

Cape Ca Mau is of particular importance for sustaining inshore fishery productivity. This region is also of vital importance for the formation of geomorphology as well as coastal protection. At the same time, it is also a place to store rich genetic resources of high conservation value... In particular, this is the breeding and growth place of aquatic animals.

Ca Mau Cape is a destination with a strong attraction for tourists because of its distinct geographical location, friendly people, attractive tourism products, and rich natural resources. Ca Mau Cape National Park has a lot of potential with a mangrove ecosystem and a marine ecosystem that can be integrated into the ecotourism system of the province in particular and the whole country in general.


Cultural history of Ca Mau Cape National Park and surroundings:

Cape Ca Mau, the southernmost point of the country's mainland, is a land with a revolutionary tradition with many historical values, a typical culture of the Southern River region and a place to mark victories. The heroism of the Vietnamese army and people in the resistance wars against the French and Americans saved the country.

The cultural feature in Ca Mau Cape is the harmony of three main ethnic groups: Kinh, Hoa, and Khmer. Each ethnic group has its own unique culture, but they also know how to combine their own to create a common culture to suit the community here. And it is this that has created for this land a cultural feature bearing the typical imprint of the first inhabitants who came to reclaim and open the land.

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